Why I Have Been Talking MEMBERSHIP Sites SO Much Lately (I Owe You An Explanation...)

I've gotten a couple questions lately about WHY I've been talking so much about membership sites lately...

After all, many people have come to my little corner of the internet because they had BIG brick & mortar business dreams.

So... why would I talk about creating an ONLINE membership all of a sudden?

Well, let me explain.

1. Opening a brick & mortar biz is harder than ever for some.

Funding is scarce, banks are more wary of providing loans to brick and mortar businesses given the recent closure rates, and if you are like MANY people I work with, this pandemic has been a hard hit financially.

But guess what? If you are here, you HAVE the entrepreneurial bug. And I want you to know you've got options.

Options to have a positive impact on your community and families everywhere, just like an indoor playground could have.


2. Membership site start up costs? Nearly ZERO.

So... you might be thinking... what options could I possibly have with little-to-no start up costs?

Well, something that I have learned about YOU is...

  • You probably have some skill in working with kids or families, maybe as a teacher, an SLP, an OT, maybe a daycare teacher... or maybe just a parent!
  • There is something unique about YOU. Maybe people come to you for recipe ideas, or homeschool activities, or sensory play ideas, or holistic living tips, or home organization tips... I bet there is at least ONE topic friends & family know to come to YOU for!
  • You may have a little self doubt. You might be thinking... "sure, people come to me for tips... but I am nowhere near an expert..."

Well let me tell you something...

3. You DON'T need to be an expert to make an impact.

If you follow me on YouTube or read my blog, you might think of me as THE indoor playground industry expert.

However, if you have taken my Play Cafe Academy course, you'll know...

I am no where near the most successful owner.

In fact, I NEARLY failed, had to close, declare bankruptcy, spin my family into financial ruin... all that scary stuff.

Even when I DID crack the code and figure out how to become profitable, I **still** wasn't the best. The owner with the most locations. The most profitable business.

But here's the difference between myself & the best out there.

  • I knew I could help other owners & prospective owners. Even if I did not have all the answers, I knew I had TONS of insight and experience to share.
  • I had a strong purpose. I never wanted another owner to go through the stress of nearly closing like I did. This drove me even when I wanted to quit.
  • I simply showed up, and helped. I created free videos, shared free tips in blogs, and then poured all my imperfect tips & lessons learned through trial and MANY errors into a membership site.

And guess what? I don't have to work all that hard to sell spots.

I simply lead with my heart, share freely, and people are EXCITED to join.

Had I let my imposter syndrome since I wasn't an EXPERT or THE authority out there deter me...

I would not have had the opportunity to help THOUSANDS of people live out their dreams, and avoid so much of the struggle I went through.

Even though I was only a few steps ahead, I stepped up and led anyway.

4. You can start simple.

Unlike a brick & mortar business that requires HUGE plans and investments-- membership sites are DIFFERENT.

In the free workshop that THE membership expert (and my mentor!) is hosting next week...

Stu shares how you can...

  • Figure out an IDEA for a membership site (that's right, he helps you dig deep and brainstorm ideas... you do NOT need an idea to participate)
  • Validate that idea and figure out if people would be willing to pay for it
  • If your idea DOES get validated... where to go from there

No business plan.

No crazy investments.

No diving in head first without KNOWING you will succeed.

If you have been following me for a while, you know I am a big fan of community over competition.

So if you see YOUR idea here don't get discouraged... BUT... I wanted to share some FB videos you can watch RIGHT NOW to get inspired...

Guess what they have in common?

They all started with THIS free workshop.

So click here to join me during the FREE workshop-- I am even hosting a free accountability and support group on FB for those who sign up!

This is the time to say YES and to stop doubting.

You DO have a business inside of you.

And membership businesses ARE the way of the future.

Don't forget to dream big.

See you there!


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Can I Send You My NEW Free 2024 "What's Working In The Indoor Play Industry" Guide?

I asked 11 Play Cafe Academy and Play Maker Society members what is working RIGHT NOW in their businesses to attract customers and grow sales. I want to send you their answers in my FREE newly updated 2024 "What's Working" Guide!