My Best Indoor Playground Business Advice (That No One Takes)


To celebrate my milestone of reaching 300 Profitable Play Podcast episodes-- I did something a little different.

I dedicated my 300th episode to rounding up some of (what I consider to be) my BEST pieces of advice, that (and here's the catch)-- almost NO ONE takes or implements.

Because I have been doing SO much 1:1 consulting as I prepare to take a break to welcome our third child into the world in a few short weeks, I’ve been noticing a few things.

I’ve been noticing that people are:

  • Getting stuck in the same places
  • Grappling with the same misconceptions
  • Hitting similar roadblocks
  • Needing the same things reiterated to them

So this is a little roundup of takeaways from episodes or videos I find myself constantly re-sharing, referring to in 1:1 sessions, or pointing to when a roadblock is indeed hit by one of my clients or by a Play Maker Society member.

And this is not a knock on anyone WHATSOEVER– 300 podcast episodes and 250+ youtube videos is a LOT of content and it is very easy to miss things or never feel caught up. Trust me, I get it. And today is just a roundup of tips from my FREE content– I am not even diving into the advice I give in my paid courses or programs that unfortunately often gets glossed over. 

It’s funny– sometimes when I go back and look at episode analytics I get kind of sad because some of what I consider to be my biggest game-changer episodes just don’t get the downloads they deserve, for whatever reason. And since this is my podcast and since I have worked my butt off to get to this 300 episode mark– I decided that those episodes should start feeling the love– today.

I have grouped these episodes or resources into 6 different categories to make this even easier to digest– so we are covering 3 categories today and 3 in the next episode. But for now, let’s start off where we ALL start on this glorious business venture– the planning phase.  


There are 4 big pieces of advice I continuously harp on in this process BUT I wanted to let you know I did leave out a few more. I have a YouTube video called “red flags I look out for when I review indoor playground business plans” that is more related to the number crunching and cash flow projections, which I am not going to touch today. But if you want that information I have also linked that video in the blog for today’s episode. Today I want to zoom out and look at more of the big picture items when it comes to the planning stage. 

To Sum It Up: Having a cafe component makes every revenue stream in your business more profitable. Every event or party we did, we were making $100 or more extra in revenue JUST from cafe sales. Our cafe also made our membership offer and any promotions we did more appealing because we could throw in mugs or free coffee passes to sweeten every single deal. It was also a massive help in the summer season because iced drinks really encouraged people to play inside even when the weather was nice. And it’s WAY easier and more affordable than you probably think to add a cafe to your business– IF you do it in the planning phase. I constantly get people coming to me regretting their decision NOT to add a cafe– but once your build out is complete, it can be very cost prohibitive to add one in after the fact because of all the plumbing and electrical work that’s best done before paint, flooring, countering, and other finishes are made to your facility. When I opened my cafe I had really only drank black coffee and I knew NOTHING about running that type of business. Something I love to recommend is to work with a local coffee roaster to order your beans and maybe even equipment from– because 9 times out of 10 they will help you plan your entire cafe side of your business, train you and your staff, and help you get completely comfortable – all at little or NO cost. Think about it– the more successful they make you, the more you will order from them, and potentially even become one of THEIR best customers. 

This was the route I took and I was shocked at how quickly I was able to get over the learning curve with their help and also how quickly I was able to get an ROI from the cafe equipment. It took us just 3 months to completely recoup the money from adding the cafe component and it was one of the best decisions I made in my own planning phase which is why I push it so much. Now there are of course exceptions to every rule and sure– spaces CAN be successful without cafes especially if they have another main focus. Lindsay from Spirited Play Labs who I interviewed on episode 253 talked about how she is able to get $30,000 per month in state-funded memberships for families of children with disabilities which allows her to be very profitable without a cafe. But for most businesses, having a revenue stream that is high profit margin and makes every single offer in your business MORE profitable as well– to me, is a no brainer.


To Sum It Up: Doing too much themselves in their business is something I come across constantly with new owners. The plan may be to hire more eventually, but unfortunately, if you are working too often IN your business and not ON your business, your business will lack the revenue growth needed to ever make that change. In this episode, I address some misconceptions about hiring managers or supervisors like that they MUST be full time or they MUST have experience, meaning they will be paid significantly above minimum wage. There are ways to make hiring a manager or any employees easier and more affordable which is important to learn and accept because having a team is the ONLY way to operate a sustainable and profitable business long-term. 

Don’t wait until you burn yourself out physically and emotionally. Make it so your employees contribute DIRECTLY to your revenue and become true assets to your business, instead of costs or liabilities. And if you are still in the planning phase, BUDGET to have your space fully staffed, even if you plan to physically work at your cafe as well. We never know when health issues may arise or when other areas of our life will need to pull our attention and our physical presences away from our facilities. Being as conservative as possible and ensuring your numbers still work and your business can still be profitable even with a manager and full staff is critically important when creating your business plan to minimize any future risk..

 To Sum It Up: Every business owner goes into this industry thinking THEIR business will be unique.That THEY will be the ONE exception to one of the golden rules of indoor play– that open play alone will NOT sustain your business year-round or long-term. They think that THEIR area is different and THEIR business is so thoughtfully designed that they don’t NEED to create other substantial revenue streams in order to be successful. While again there are exceptions to every rule, there’s a reason why I never recommend relying on open play for more than 15% of your total revenue. It’s because single-day open-play passes is the most FICKLE revenue stream in terms of seasonality and economic fluctuations, and therefore is the most risky and least reliable. And I have confirmed this time and time and time again. 

And relying too heavily on open play is one of the MAIN reasons I see indoor play places close. 

And it’s for this reason, among MANY others, that I instead recommend focusing on recurring revenue and high-ticket revenue instead of single day passes. And recurring revenue doesn’t necessarily need to mean open play memberships. It could also be class memberships or coworking memberships or even physical subscription boxes like Tal from Play Maker Society offers at Play Factory and Cafe. It could also mean a B2B membership fee, meaning something you charge other businesses on a monthly basis. Cheyanne from Mocha’s and Minis, for example, charges small businesses and makers for shelf space in the retail section of her play space, which brings in thousands and thousands of dollars per month per location for her. 

And it makes it so retail is one less thing she needs to worry about– because people pay vendors via QR code and no money passes through her register– OTHER than the flat free she charges vendors. And high ticket revenue could mean birthday parties, but it could also mean– a year of preschool or after school care paid up front, packs of play passes or a class with 10 sessions paid up front. 

Go back and listen to this episode if you want more details as well as a step-by-step numbers breakdown  that proves WHY this shift in focus is so important and how it can reduce your marketing effort and spend, alleviate a lot of your staff’s work, make your business more attractive for a possible sale down the line, and MUCH more. In short, fighting for single day passes and single class or event sales will always be an uphill battle. As my son would say, it’s like operating your business on ultra-hard mode. And I don’t want that for you.


  • Splurge Versus Save (Click Here For The 2-Part YouTube Series) 

To Sum It Up: Build out and equipment purchasing is another place where people think THEY will be the exception. That they can rent a room, do minimal build out, fill the room with toys from amazon or from inexpensive, non-commercial vendors and poof– get rich overnight. That is just not realistic. And while there ARE plenty of places I think are really smart to save in rather than splurge during your build out which I detail in this video– more often than not you WILL get what you pay for and your businesses revenue and your customer feedback will directly reflect the amount you were willing to invest in your space. So stick with high-quality commercial vendors, make sure you incorporate gross-motor along with other types of play, create as inclusive a design as possible, invest in experts like interior designers when it makes sense, put thought behind your layout when it comes to profitability and customer experience even if it means rearranging, and make sure you aren’t forever restricting your business by skimping or cutting corners on your build out. Because like when it comes to a cafe, your main equipment and layout are expensive and difficult decisions to change down the line.


Since marketing is one of my MAIN areas of expertise, you probably won’t find it shocking that not only do I have the MOST resources under this category but also that I even decided to break email marketing specifically into it’s OWN category. And that’s because a thoughtful email marketing strategy is SO incredibly hard to come by in the indoor play industry– and it’s by FAR one of the most slept on and underutilized marketing tactics out there. And when a strategic email marketing plan IS implemented, the impact is MAJOR. So let’s start here, shall we?

Email Marketing:

There are 4 big misconceptions when it comes to email marketing, especially in our industry. First, that we should just passively allow people to opt in, maybe via a newsletter sign-up or something similar. Next, that it’s extremely time consuming. Next, that emailing too much is icky or overly sales-y. And finally, that it does NOT make much of a difference. 

And let me be the first to say, as someone who has worked with hundreds if not thousands of owners at this point– the owners who say email marketing does not have a significant impact on profit– are the ones stuck on the other 3 misconceptions and are simply going about it ALL. WRONG. There is a major correlation between long-term success in this industry and a strong email marketing strategy. So let’s talk about it. 

To Sum It Up:  9 out of 10 indoor playground websites I go to have a spot somewhere that will usually just say something like, “stay up to date” or “sign up for our newsletter” with a place for customers to put in their contact information. And while this may get you a nice surge of customers when you FIRST open since there are lots of exciting updates to share- this is not an effective strategy long-term. 

You need a STRONGER incentive for people to opt-in. Considering your email list is one of your biggest business and marketing assets and its size and strength relate directly to your bottom line- it’s time to start doing better here. I share more examples in this episode for things like party planning PDFs or activity downloadales or printables to help boost your email list sign ups– but my FAVORITE way to do this is to offer a free coffee in exchange for a customer's email address. Going back to the point I already made about the importance of having a cafe, coffee is extremely high-profit margin, meaning it costs you just a few cents to give someone a free coffee. And a valid email address is worth WAY more than that.

Here’s the trick here, though, or the secret-sauce if-you-will– you have to give customers some urgency, and you have to have a way to still generate money directly from the new lead as well in order to really maximize this strategy. 

Sure, they may of course generate some email revenue down the line, but I mean immediate revenue. To knock both off with one stone, I like to require that someone visits within 2 weeks of signing up for the email list, and requiring that they purchase an open play pass in order to redeem their coffee. 

And this may seem complicated to implement, but it’s not. We just had people show our staff their email confirmation proving that they signed up and when, and we trained our staff to ensure they were also staying to play before giving out the free coffee. No fancy tools or tracking software required. This not only ensured the email address was valid and could be therefore utilized in the future, it also made sure that new leads came in quickly and started contributing to sales.


To Sum It Up:

Even if indoor playground owners are building their email list well, either through incentives or their waiver, chances are they aren’t doing enough to convert a lead to their other revenue streams once they’re on their list. 

And that’s where an automated welcome sequence comes in. I break down my best tips and what should be included in a welcome sequence in the episode, and I even provide an example welcome sequence to my Play Cafe Academy and Play Maker Society members that they can tweak and use as their own, but basically–

An automated welcome sequence is an easy way you can educate customers about your business and the different things you offer– even while you SLEEP. Most people, especially parents of young children, are busy and won’t take the initiative to look up your birthday parties or if you host any cool classes or if you have special sensory hours or if you share great behind-the-scenes content on instagram. 

You have to kind of spoon feed this information to them, especially when they’re new to your business. And staying top-of-mind when someone is new to your business is SO crucial in forming a more solid relationship with them that results in revenue.

My automated welcome sequence when someone joins my current email list is over a YEAR long. Meaning I don’t need to worry about sending any new content to new subscribers for 12 full months- I can trust that my automated system is catching them up and converting leads into paying customers FOR me. I share my most popular blogs and videos, share my origin story, ask questions and prompt them to follow me in other places– all of that. 

So if email marketing feels too overwhelming or time consuming to you like it does for SO many of my clients– maybe you just need to lean more heavily on automation. And then you can start watching the sales come in, even without having to keep up with new leads yourself. And in the episode I say to try to think of your welcome sequence as an (unpaid) concierge for your customers to help get acclimated to your business. That white-glove service will absolutely make a significant impact on their level of trust and comfort with you.

To Sum It Up: This one is pretty simple so I’ll get right to the point. More emails equals more sales. If you have a mental block around sending more emails because you feel too pushy or salesy– remember, SELLING is SERVING. You work hard on your classes and services and offers- and you are doing both your business and your customers a major disservice if you aren’t sharing enough with them. You can also get over this block by mixing up your email content. You don’t ALWAYS need to be asking for a sale. You can instead share a blog with first birthday party tips or theme ideas, or you can share a cool reel you made showcasing the event you held last weekend.

The key is to stay top of mind and at least make a transitional call-to-action in every email– meaning that if you’re not asking for a direct sale you’re asking for an instagram follow or for the reader to click over to your blog which might THEN have a call to action to sign up for an event or book a party– something that transitions eventually to a sale– as often as possible.

Play cafe owners who email at LEAST once per week, oftentimes more, see FAR more online sales and bookings come in than people who rely on a once or twice-monthly newsletter.

I share some more tips about how to get more success from email marketing in the episode linked but remember- it’s not like you’re showing up at these people’s doors at 10pm demanding money from them– you’re sharing valuable information in a way they raised their hand and ASKED for.

So, more emails equal more sales and if you are not making enough sales, sending more strategic emails is one of the quickest ways to improve your numbers. Plain and simple, so it absolutely kills me that not enough owners have prioritized email marketing enough yet.

And if you’re looking for even MORE ways to grow your email list, you can check out Profitable Play Episode 230 for 7 more creative things you can do to make more revenue from your email list. 

Alright let’s get into the more general marketing tips:


To Sum It Up: Like email marketing, blogging is just not as sexy as other marketing channels like Instagram or TikTok. But It should NOT be slept on– because not only does blogging help you connect with your customers and provide them with valuable information like party tips and theme ideas and play inspiration you can then email out or use as social content and to get more bookings and sales–

It also does one CRUCIAL thing. It helps your website rank higher on Google. And it’s one of the fastest FREE ways to do so. But why does this matter so much? According to Backlinko, the top result on Google receives 27.6% of all clicks, and 68.7% of clicks go to the top three organic search results. 

In 2023, First Page Sage reported that the top organic search result receives 19 times more clicks than the top paid search result, and that all clicks from the third to tenth results combined are less than the top organic result.

And clicks equal bookings and sales.

So if you’re short on time and low on ad-spend money, blogging can be extremely helpful in making sure the people who are actively searching for things like party venues or indoor play places in YOUR area– see YOUR space. 

Because that’s the thing– unlike on social media where people are passively just scrolling, maybe zoning out– people typing things into google like, “birthday party venues toddler buffalo NY” are HOT leads and are READY to book and make a purchasing decision. And getting in front of these “hot leads” is so important, especially for your main revenue streams.

So for more information including how to blog in a way that actually produces sales and improves your ranking– check out that episode. I also have a more general episode about improving your SEO and such which is Profitable Play Episode 107. 


To Sum It Up: Even though organic or unpaid search results get more clicks, combining paid ads with an organic SEO strategy can be extra powerful, especially because improving your google search ranking can take TIME– especially if you have a lot of competition for keywords in your area.

So I recommend getting in front of those HOT leads as soon as possible, even if you have to pay via Google Ads for page 1 placement– because people who are ready to book or buy WILL generate a positive return on your investment if you follow the strategy and tips I recommend in that episode.

To Sum It Up: I have talked about retargeting ads several times on this podcast, but like email marketing they are one of the most SLEPT on and most UNDERUTILIZED marketing strategies for indoor playground businesses, so here we are talking about them again. Plus they can be SO profitable and SO cost effective, being able to run for as little as $1 a day. It pains me to see how little these ads get used, so, here we go.

And before we get into retargeting ads, I want to differentiate retargeting ads from evergreen ads. Because while retargeting ads CAN be run “on evergreen”, so to speak, they don’t NEED to be. And evergreen ads do not necessarily need to be retargeting ads. But I hear people mix them up all the time, so let’s understand the difference first as well as the purpose of each.

I dedicated episodes 29, 30, and 31 of my Profitable Play Podcast to this topic of evergreen facebook ads but in case you missed those episodes, here’s the gist when it comes to evergreen facebook ads:

An evergreen Facebook ad refers to ads that are running in the background of your business all the time, not tied to any specific promotion or time sensitive campaign. 

They are just working behind the scenes in your business constantly bringing in new leads and customers while you do more important things– or, while you REST.

 I edit my evergreen ads maybe once every 6 months to once every year. If you set them up strategically, they can be so low-maintenance, it will BLOW your mind. And that’s just one more reason why I recommend AGAINST hiring an ads manager.

Now retargeting ads are a TYPE of evergreen ads I run, but you can choose to run them however you’d like. You can run them for a week, a month, or just continuously like I do. I am super busy which is why I choose the continuous route, but it’s really up to you and what works best for YOUR business.

So now let’s define retargeting ads.

And while some think of retargeting ads as a more “advanced” strategy, I beg to differ. They are NOT hard to set up or do yourself if you spend a bit of time and energy learning– and if anyone TELLS you they are super complicated, they are LYING because they want you to hire them. BUT, I digress. 

ESPECIALLY if you have a tiny budget– I would start HERE, and work your way back to implementing the OTHER types of ads I talk about here on this podcast and in my course, when you have some proven results to rely on and a bit more cash on hand for budget.

 So what are retargeting ads and what do they do? Let me give you an example.

Lets say someone visits your birthday party page, or your membership page– but doesn’t book or enroll. Should we just– consider it a loss? No, we want to get back in front of them and remind them what we have to offer.

This is where retargeting ads can come in.

I’m sure you’ve visited a website like wayfair or west elm or ikea or something like that, and then you find that, the next time you hop on social media, ads from that exact company seem to all of a sudden be populating your news feed.

These are retargeting ads, in that they target people who have already engaged with a business in some way online. You can retarget ALL your website visitors, or people who visit specific pages. You can ALSO target people who engaged with you on instagram or facebook. You can engage with your email subscribers, or people who have filled out your waiver. There are SO many options to customize this strategy to fit exactly what you need.

Let’s go back to the birthday booking page example. When people visited initially, for whatever reason, they may not have been ready to actually BOOK. Maybe they were just browsing, maybe they were price shopping, maybe they had to check their calendar or confirm pricing with their spouse. 

Retargeting ads allow you to stay top of mind in this “consideration” phase, which is crucial to capturing some of these “abandoned bookings”.

And it’s not JUST about staying top of mind. You can use really thoughtful copy and imagery, full of beautiful past parties and client testimonials and party features and highlights to further convince them that YOUR facility is where they should book their next event at.

Now, can you run ads asking for sales or bookings to a COLD audience? Sure you could. And by cold audience, I mean people who have NOT engaged with your business online at any time previously. 

But most who are listening to this podcast likely have services that are MUCH pricier and a bit harder to sell to a cold audience. 

So if you want to SAVE money and get more sales, I highly recommend educating yourself about retargeting ads and ensuring you set them up the CORRECT way– with the best objective, audience, ad creative- all that. So watch YouTube tutorials, or you can fast track your learning with my BMB with Ads course- but give these a try, you will NOT regret it.


To Sum It Up:  I JUST can’t leave the ads discussion alone without mentioning another ads platform with a ton of opportunity and almost ZERO local competition. And that is Pinterest. Imagine– someone in your area looking up ideas for their child’s first birthday theme– and coming across a pin for YOUR facility showcasing your party options that can serve as the PERFECT backdrop for whatever custom theme they dream up. There is a misconception that you can’t TARGET paid pinterest ads for a specific location or demographics, but that simply is false. Just like Google Ads, you can set specific parameters to be sure your ads are ONLY shown to people likely to book your facility. And since I can almost guarantee that no other party venues local to you are utilizing this strategy, because this piece of advice seldom gets taken, you can enjoy almost complete market share, making these ads very affordable as well as simple to set up. So if booking more birthdays is on your list of goals, consider Pinterest ads, especially if you have a limited budget. 

To Sum It Up:  I really try to avoid using really stereotypical marketing phrases here but sometimes I just can’t help myself. Upselling when someone is in the checkout process is one of THE “lowest hanging fruits” so-to-speak, when looking for ways to increase revenue.

One of the things I help my Play Cafe Academy and Play Maker Society students decipher is what KPIs or key performance indicators are important to track in their day-to-day operations to ensure they are on track for their monthly, quarterly and annual goals. And a really common metric I recommend tracking is average transaction value– whether a transaction is made online or in-person. 

And as I was alluding to, one of the EASIEST ways to do this is through a simple upsell. And sure, the most obvious example people normally think of is birthday party add-ons that can be selected at the time of booking. But we can get SO much deeper with this strategy and increase the transaction value almost anywhere and everywhere in our business. So for example, when someone purchases an online gift card, prompt people to add on a book or a retail toy item with some sort of gift wrapping- which is particularly helpful when someone is buying a gift to pick up for a birthday party or if they are buying to a local child but they themselves live out of town.  When you sell a membership, maybe prompt them to upgrade to a higher tier that includes classes, or add on a welcome box filled with merch, a coffee mug, a t shirt– something like that.

When you sell a class ticket you can give an upgrade option to unlock a set of downloadable or printable materials they can use to keep the learning going at home, or maybe include an online version of the class or additional pre-recorded instruction meant to further enforce the concepts covered in the class. 

Or when someone is purchasing a retail toy item in-person, you can set up a buy 2 get a freebie type deal- which can be used to surprise and delight the customers but also increase sales AND offload old inventory if you allow customers to select their freebie from a predetermined list or menu.

 I go through this entire strategy and give more ideas in this episode, but if this is not something you are doing at every opportunity, you are leaving an incredible amount of money on the table AND missing out on really valuable ways to better serve your customers. Remember, we create revenue through serving. So figure out how you can enhance or upgrade every single purchase in an authentic way, and you WILL have a winning upsell strategy that can become largely automated especially when it comes to online bookings and sales.


To Sum It Up:  When a business owner books a 1:1 call with me and one of the things they bring up is that their online bookings or sales are low, or that they’re experiencing low sales in general– one of the FIRST things I check if not THE first thing is the mobile version of their website and all their booking pages. And 9 out of 10 times, their website is NOT designed for mobile and is not optimized, which can cause major problems for customers.

Globally, almost 59% of ALL web traffic comes from mobile devices, and that number is consistently increasing year over year. And for our types of businesses- this number is usually much higher. Just think about it. How many parents do you know are sitting on a desktop PC or laptop searching things to do with their kids? Some, sure– but the VAST majority are looking on their phones. They are on-the-go and not sitting at computer. And even if they’re at their work desk if they’re a working parent, they’re probably still using their phone so as to not use their company computer for personal searches.  When I checked my play cafe website analytics– over 80% of our web traffic was from a mobile device– and this is EXCLUDING tablets. And if you don’t believe me– go ahead and check yours.

Here’s where the problem lies– we usually design our websites and booking pages on a desktop. And unless you are hiring a professional web designer who has built a specific mobile site design and optimization package into their fee– MOST business owners just have the ONE version of their website out there for customers to browse.

So I want you to pick up your phone right now, and spend some time in your customers’ shoes. How does your site look? Are buttons out of place or is there way too much text to scroll through? Do you have to constantly flip your phone orientation or scroll horizontally to read or click buttons? Are things appearing mashed together, out of order, or cut-off completely? And when you go to purchase something, are you able to read the text? Is the page overly complicated? 

If the answer is YES to any of these questions, you are ABSOLUTELY leaving money on the table. A LOT of money.

And again if you don’t believe me, let’s do some quick math. Let’s say you get 1,000 visitors to your website in a given week. And let’s say 2% of those people make a purchase or booking– and let’s say the average revenue from those purchases is $50. That’s 20 purchases at $50 or $1,000 in revenue. So what happens if you really take the time to optimize your mobile website and increase that percentage from 2% to 5%? Even that seemingly small increase will now yield 50 purchases at the same $50 revenue per purchase and earn you $2,500 in cash– in the SAME time period with the EXACT same number of visitors to your site. 

SO many owners think that when sales are low they need more traffic– but what if you instead just converted more of the traffic you are ALREADY getting? You can easily more than DOUBLE your sales, with very little effort. And if you also employ the upselling strategy we just talked about– now THAT is where the magic can REALLY happen. So before you worry about running ads or creating new social media content that gets a flood of new visitors to your site– please optimize the mobile version of your website. Even if you need to hire help, it WILL be worth it and result in a positive ROI quickly if you hire someone that’s a good fit and knows what they’re doing. And if social media IS a big part of your marketing strategy, this is significantly MORE important. Because your audience is not scrolling IG or FB or Tik Tok on their laptops or desktops. 


To Sum It Up:  This one is pretty simple. When I go to your IG page or your FB page or your website, I should be able to see exactly what your facility looks like and what you offer without having to scroll. Again, simple right? Well, when I visit most indoor playgrounds social media pages– instead of seeing eye catching photos of play equipment and their facilities, I’m usually instead bombarded by graphics. When I do YouTube videos and want to showcase other spaces I often have to scroll and scroll and scroll until I find even one decent photo that showcases what their play area even looks like. And many times I don’t even find what I’m looking for– I have to instead go to yelp or google reviews and see customer-uploaded images, which are not always kind or favorable to the business. 

It’s great that things like Canva exist because they make graphic design really accessible and affordable. But there IS such a thing as overdoing it. And most business owners unfortunately do. Remember- every business under the sun uses the basic graphics. They are very unlikely to capture someone’s attention. They’re OK to sprinkle in, if they are cohesive with your branding– but captions exist for a reason. Don’t be afraid to use a photo of your facility or even a slideshow to stop the scroll and get your intended audience's attention THEN utilize the caption– NOT the image– to get whatever info you need to get across. 

Just think- if YOU were scrolling on IG as a parent- would you pause and read a random graphic that probably looks like a boring old ad? No. But if you scrolled upon a bright playroom with kids having fun or a photo of an adorable birthday theme? Heck yes. So please, use graphics extremely sparingly, if at all.

 I have additional resources about utilizing stories and pinned posts to further improve your IG profile but please- if I navigate to your feed and have to scroll AT ALL to get an idea of what to expect when I walk through your doors– it’s a problem and you’re losing out on engagement and sales because of it.


To Sum It Up:  Along those same lines, when I go to your website, I should be able to easily and quickly get a FULL idea of everything to expect inside your space. 

But again, when I visit the websites of new clients, I often see maybe 1-2 OK pictures, or sometimes no pictures at all.

This can be really easy to overlook because we are SO close to our businesses, but please, remember- a professional photo and or video shoot will go a LONG way when it comes to making more sales and bookings.

Especially in this economy parents will not want to waste a trip or booking cost because they are unsure whether or not your facility is a good fit for them. So make it EXTREMELY clear. Do not make them dig. Because as I said before, if you don’t put nice photos out there– they’ll find them on Yelp and Google images. And that is probably NOT what you want and is not going to earn you new customers or visits.


To Sum It Up:  As I mentioned before, if you are relying on selling single day passes or single class or event tickets as a main revenue source, it will already be a tough uphill battle because you have to get a TON of transactions each month to hit your goal, whereas if you were selling packs of passes or memberships or higher-ticket items, you’d only need to make a fraction of the sales to hit the SAME revenue goals.

But I understand that for some people this model feels best– but if that is you, you’re probably making it even HARDER on yourself and your marketing strategy than it has to be. 

You already know I recommend relying on automation as MUCH as possible to not only make more sales but also save on staffing costs and ad spend. And this is why I am not sure why almost no indoor playgrounds that are class and event focused utilize a calendar that automatically sends prompts and updates to customers and subscribers. 

My favorite such calendar is AddEvent, which is a tool that costs less than $30 a month and allows your customers to sync your calendar to their preferred calendar app (apple, google, etc) with just one or two clicks. And anytime you add a new event it gets added to their calendar automatically. I recommend just putting a booking or tickets link in the description for people that see it and want to actually attend.

And one business can have multiple calendars– whether you want to separate between your class and events calendar, have calendars organized for different ages, whatever makes most sense for you.

 And you can set up alerts to let people know WHEN you have added something. We all know how expensive things like mass SMS texting and ads can be– so do not overlook this highly effective and affordable tool if you need to sell more event or class tickets. Even if you sell ONE more ticket or pass a month, the tool will likely pay for itself, making the cost benefit analysis really simple. So if email marketing is still too tough or time consuming but you NEED to book out camps, classes, or events, this can be an easy and accessible alternative. 




To Sum It Up: I talked  a lot in last week's episode about why leaning into automation in your business is so critical to not only save money on staffing and protect your own time and energy– but in this instance, it will also help you serve your customers at a much higher level as well.

The automation I am referring to here is a call forwarding system, meaning that when someone calls your business, they get an automated set of prompts to choose from and even do a little self-service.  And a LOT of people completely disregard this tip because they think, “well, that would make it like calling a doctors office then– and will remove the personal touch we are able to have with our customers”. And that’s probably what you’re thinking if you haven’t implemented this yet, am I right? If so, PLEASE just hear me out.

Between 8 or 9 out of 10 calls to our front desk were literally JUST asking if we were open. Or what our hours were. And without an automated call forwarding system, someone had to answer all those calls, sometimes dozens a day. And that pulled them away from whatever they were doing - whether that was cleaning, assembling a balloon garland, making a drink, checking someone in, answering questions from an in-person guest– you get the picture.

And this is frustrating to everyone involved. The person calling, the customers there in-person, AND the staff member. And before you say, why would people call? Our hours are posted EVERYWHERE online? Just trust me on this one. They WILL still call. A lot.

Now imagine, those same people calling, and just having to hit 1 to hear the most current hours? And the call forwarding system that we used, RingCentral (which was just $25 ish a month) even let us quickly throw a message before the menu would play- so if we had an emergency like if we had to close for weather  or something else time sensitive – I could hop on my Ringcentral app and in 2 seconds throw a pre-recorded message before the normal message.

You are now able to reduce the calls your staff has to answer by 80-90%-- which is a win for EVERYONE.

And what about people calling for other reasons? You can, if you choose, filter other calls to go straight to you, or to another line. For example if your cafe is CRAZY busy and you want to quickly redirect all birthday inquiries to your cell so you can take the calls in your quieter home since you will have more time to answer questions and help them book, you can do that. And you can also change it to go back to the front desk once it calms down with just a couple clicks.

You can really make this strategy 100% customized to YOUR needs and control everything easily on an app, or you can delegate it to a manager. We had a couple menu options– so, one for hours, one for party inquiries, one to hear about events or classes coming up, and one to go to the front desk if we were open and they still had a question.

You can set your business hours so that if you are open 8-2 for example and people call with a question– it can go to the desk. But then at 2pm, it can automatically reroute calls to either your cell or a voicemail that your team can check in the morning.

So even though your knee-jerk reaction may be that installing this type of automation will detract from your customer service, in practice it actually seriously IMPROVES it– and keeps your staff happier and less overwhelmed, which is ALWAYS a positive.

So if you feel like you are wasting money on incoming calls and leaving sales on the table because of missed calls and your staff being unable to keep up while also serving in-person customers, you NEED to make this small investment. Like I said I highly recommend RingCentral, I will link it in the show notes, but they sent us phones to use and it was only $25 ish a month. And their app was incredible and made it so easy to really control everything quickly and easily. 

And zoom voice is another option some people like, I have just never used it personally.

But I am telling you, this WILL be an absolute game-changer for your business. So just give it a try, especially before the busy season hits.


To Sum It Up:

Creating standard operating procedures (SOPs) is an absolute MUST for any indoor playground owner looking to boost team performance and also ensure consistent service for their customers.

With clear guidelines in place, your staff knows exactly how to handle everything from opening the doors to counting the cash register to making a latte to booking a birthday to cutting a cake to handling an accident report. This consistency not only keeps your customers happy but also makes training new hires a breeze, and a whole lot less expensive and time consuming.

The goal is to ensure that neither YOU nor ANY key employee is hoarding knowledge, whether its intentionally or unintentionally, EVER. Because even with the most reliable of people, accidents happen. If the person who usually handles a specific task isn’t around or is sick or is taken out of the business for some reason, SOPs can ensure that ANY team member can step in and follow the steps, keeping things safe and smooth. And if you're thinking about selling the business one day, having well-documented SOPs shows potential buyers that the operation is solid and can run like clockwork without you, making your business more attractive and valuable.

I have talked about this topic TO DEATH already on this podcast so I will leave it at that– but for some reason, when I have a consult and a main complaint is unreliable or incompetent team members– you know that the FIRST thing I am asking about is how well documented their procedures are. If their steps are outlined in writing AND in another format as well such as video. If they have an employee manual that sets extremely clear expectations. And surprise, surprise, almost every single time– I get a deer in headlights look. 

Creating SOPs and manuals is not a fun or sexy task– but it is absolutely critical if you want to create a desirable work environment and operate your business with true integrity. Because integrity is really all about reliability and consistency. Providing what you say you’re going to, every single time. And SOP’s make that possible. So just get it done, even if its slowly. Get started today.

To Sum It Up: Since hiring woes seem to be such a common topic in 1:1 sessions, I wanted to throw in a lesser known option that not a lot of people utilize– and that is hiring a virtual assistant.

While it may seem daunting to delegate, hiring a virtual assistant (VA) offers a practical and affordable solution to lightening your workload. 

A VA is a remote professional who can take on various tasks, allowing you to concentrate on the high-value activities that are crucial to growing your business. This shift not only significantly increases your productivity but also conserves your mental and physical energy for what truly matters, including spending time with family and friends. 

Hiring a VA is also cost-effective, as you only pay for the hours they work without the need to provide benefits, guaranteed hours, pay for any downtime, or extensive training typical of in-person employees. 

Also, the flexibility of virtual assistants opens up access to a global talent pool, enabling you to find the best fit for your specific needs, regardless of location. VAs can easily adapt to your business's changing demands, scaling their hours up or down as required, making them an ideal solution for businesses looking to operate more efficiently and effectively.

Ways to Earn Extra Revenue 


To Sum It Up: Affiliate marketing is a great way for indoor playground owners to generate additional income by promoting products or services that complement their business. Affiliate marketing involves partnering with companies or brands that offer products relevant to your audience. 

When you promote these products—through your website, social media, or even in-person at your playground—you earn a commission on any sales made through your unique affiliate links.

This can be an easy, low-effort way to add a new revenue stream to your business without needing to manage additional inventory or overhead. And it’s something I utilize in my own business every single day. 

But for an indoor playground owner, there are many ways to leverage affiliate marketing. 

One idea is to partner with companies that sell children's toys, educational products, or play equipment– especially if they are brands or companies you have already bought from and showcase in your facility.  

You can feature these products on your website or in your email newsletters, recommending them to your customers as items that align with the types of activities and play they already enjoy at your facility or that allow them to enjoy activities at home as well. 

For instance, if you host a music class, you could recommend specific instruments or books, giving parents easy options for extending the fun and learning at home and earning commissions on those sales. And if approaching companies feels overwhelming, you can start as an Amazon affiliate, which I talk about in detail in episode 112 of the Proifitable Play podcast.

Another opportunity lies in promoting local services or experiences that your audience might be interested in, such as children's classes, family-friendly events, or even birthday party services or add ons that you don’t offer.

By partnering with other businesses in your community, you not only earn commissions on referrals but also strengthen local business relationships, which could lead to more collaborative opportunities down the line. Additionally, you might consider recommending products that align with the needs of parents, such as parenting books, meal delivery services, or even wellness products, providing value to your customers while earning a passive income.

Overall, affiliate marketing can be a simple and effective way you to diversify and grow your income. By carefully selecting products and services that you have used and TRUST and that resonate with your audience, you can create meaningful recommendations that benefit both your customers and your bottom line.


To Sum It Up: User-generated content (UGC) has become a powerful tool for businesses, and as an indoor playground owner, you can tap into this trend to create another additional revenue stream.

And while many owners are doing great things by leaning on influencers and other local creators to help market their business, I have not seen many venture into the OTHER side of UGC content creation and become creators themselves. So let me explain. 

But first, if you’re wondering what this even means– a User-Generated Content (UGC) creator is someone who creates content, such as photos, videos, reviews, or social media posts, featuring products or services from a brand, without necessarily being an influencer or having a large following. This content is typically created in a natural, authentic way, often showcasing how the product is used in real life. Brands use UGC to enhance their marketing efforts because it feels more relatable and trustworthy to consumers than traditional advertising.

So anyway, similar to affiliate marketing, by becoming a UGC creator, you can leverage the products and equipment you already use in your playground to create content for brands, without needing a large following or worrying about managing your own social media presence. 

And unlike affiliate marketing, you can charge a flat fee, making this an even more consistent and reliable source of income.

This can include curating content from your customers, partnering with toy brands for sponsored play sessions, or even organizing themed events that feature specific toys or products.

Additionally, you can monetize your efforts by charging fees for hosting events, creating toy review videos, or developing a UGC hub on your website where parents can share THEIR experiences. 

There are so many ways to leverage this type of creation which I detail in the episode– and it’s often even more significant in terms of dollars than affiliate marketing, though not quite as passive– so I wanted to give you both options in case you feel particularly pulled towards one or the other.


  • Adding Digital Products To Your Business (Profitable Play Podcast Episode 231, 232 and 271)

To Sum It Up: 

You likely already know how I feel about the massive potential when it comes to adding to and diversifying revenue with digital products and online classes so I will do my very best to keep this one short and sweet. Adding digital products and online classes to a brick-and-mortar indoor playground business can significantly enhance revenue, broaden your customer base, AND add value to your existing services. 

By expanding into the digital or online realm, you're not just limited to the physical location of your playground—you can reach families and customers beyond your immediate geographic area. This is especially valuable during off-peak seasons or times when in-person visits might be limited, such as summers, during inclement weather or holidays.

Offering online classes, such as educational workshops, parenting seminars, or creative arts and crafts tutorials, can create an additional income stream that requires minimal overhead. 

These classes can cater to various age groups and interests, making your business more versatile and appealing to a broader audience. Moreover, they can serve as a promotional tool for your physical playground, encouraging families to visit in person once they've experienced your brand online.

And as I said this can be a great supplement and value-add to any in-person classes you do as well. I talked in part 1 about upselling and how you can easily increase your class price if there is some at-home learning element added that parents can use to get an even better result from the class, whether it’s a baby sign language class, a parenting seminar, a foreign language playground, or some sort of craft. You have such a major chance to make YOUR space unique by offering continued learning online that you can really position yourself as the go-to in your area if you deliver a great experience and organize and produce your products in an effective way. 

Christine from Allo Play in New York is a great example of someone who completely transformed her business for the better once she started taking her acclaimed classes online during COVID. 

Digital products, such as courses, e-books, printable activity sheets, or themed party planning guides, can also allow you to monetize your expertise and content without the constraints of time and space. 

Heather, for example, from episode 232  is another former teacher who now has a Kindergarten Readiness program she designed for parents that is all online and that thousands of parents have paid for. She also creates resources for teachers, which is something I know a LOT of you listening would be amazing at. 

These products can be sold through your website or even a place like TPT or Etsy,, providing passive income and keeping your brand in customers' minds even when they're not at your playground. 


To Sum It Up: 

Balloons is something most indoor playgrounds offer– and if they don’t offer balloons at all they are seriously, seriously missing out on some easy profit– but oftentimes, they are barely scratching the surface in terms of how they can leverage balloons to scale their sales. 

So even if you're already offering balloons, I bet you're not fully maximizing their revenue potential. And while I really dive into these strategies in the episode, let’s summarize the highlights, shall we?

Most owners with balloon garlands, which are trending right now, so that is smart, especially since they are simple to put together (yes, we have a training inside of PMS) and don’t require helium. Plus, since you will likely be hanging them inside in a controlled environment, you don’t need to hassle with the elements like many balloon artists do, making this even more approachable.. These decorative pieces can transform any party room and make a significant visual impact. 

They are cost-effective to produce, with a high profit margin, assuming you or your team assembles them– which is ALWAYS what I recommend, because outsourcing such a simple task to a vendor is leaving SERIOUS money on the table.. For example, a 12-foot garland can be sold for around $240, with only about $30 in material costs. 

What’s more, garlands can be prepped in advance, making them a convenient and profitable addition to your service offerings. Our staff worked on garlands in their downtime during the afternoons when play was not as bustling– so it really did not require any extra payroll.

Another option to add is helium balloon bouquets, which, while slightly less profitable due to the cost of helium, still offer a quick and easy way to enhance your revenue. Additionally, balloon columns, arches, and other non-hanging structures are versatile options that don’t require helium and can be reused across multiple events.

And for those looking to really diversify, consider retailing balloons at your cafe counter. Items like animal or character balloons on a stick can be an affordable, attractive option for parents who want to reward their kids for a great visit without spending much on toys or snacks. This also helps increase the average spend per visit, a crucial metric for any indoor playground that I mentioned before in this series. .

And lastly,  think about expanding your reach by offering pick-up or delivery options for balloon decorations. This allows you to serve a broader customer base, including those hosting events outside your space. Whether it’s a graduation, wedding, or any celebration, becoming the go-to balloon supplier in your area can open up new revenue streams without requiring a significant investment.


To Sum It Up: 

This one is really simple and I have definitely talked this topic to death so I am going to do an ULTRA high level summary here of how to sell more summer camps and events and classes.

Promote them as early as possible. Your summer camps should go live for booking in January with an early bird incentive and you should always put classes and events on your calendar MONTHS in advance if possible. So if you’re listening to this as it’s released, you should already be selling halloween event tickets and soon, you should be publishing your big-ticket holiday events.

The saying “the early bird gets the worm” is truly applicable here and while that episode has tons more tips– THIS is seemingly the one that everyone forgets or underestimates so– consider this your WELL ahead-of-time notice– you should be getting this stuff planned and ready for sales NOW.


Personal Tips

If your kids already “help” in your business- don’t tune this one out– because while many owners utilize this strategy, they are not leveraging it to their full advantage or their children’s full advantage. In this episode I interviewed accountant and profit strategist Jamie Trull and she explained, step-by-step, how you can hire even your very young kids in your business up to $13,500 per year tax free– meaning that is a tax write off for your business AND your children do not need to pay income tax on it. And there are a lot of details in that episode about creating additional accounts and investments for them but if your kids are helping– whether its tidying your office, organizing play stuff, sweeping the floor, testing toys, or appearing in social media images or videos- you should be documenting their efforts and compensating them officially through your business. Doing so can really help YOU out at tax time and set THEM up financially in the future.

Now of course there are dos and don’ts of this strategy so if you want to learn more about what tasks kids can be paid for and how much they can and should be legally paid and how to set everything up- go back and listen to that episode. It’s never too late to start this and your kids will thank you SO much down the line.

And just think how proud YOU will feel when you show your kids how your business directly contributed to their college fund, a house down payment, or whatever they wish to use their earnings for. We all go into this business wanting to supplement our families lives, right?

Well this is a real, tangible way to do that. And you don’t need to start off doing the full $13,000 annually– you can start small. So no excuses, this is something every single parent business owner should prioritize if their familys finances are part of their “why”.


To Sum It Up: 

Creating an exit strategy for your indoor playground business should be a priority from the very start, even if you don’t plan to sell in the near future. Every business eventually reaches a crossroads where the owner must decide whether to expand, sell, or close up shop.

Your playground might be thriving now, but various factors—such as personal circumstances, market trends, or changes in your local community—can influence the future. Preparing an exit strategy early on ensures you have a clear plan in place for any scenario, whether you aim to sell for a profit, hand down the business to your children, or close the doors at the end of your lease.

When you launch your business, it’s essential to understand that one of four outcomes is likely: you might operate the playground for 20+ years and pass it on to your kids, sell to a friendly buyer, close the business at the end of your lease, or in the worst case, liquidate or declare bankruptcy.

These possibilities underscore the importance of having an exit plan. Consider your current season of life, the ages of your children, your business location, and evolving consumer trends. Even if you want to keep the business running long-term, external factors may force your hand, so preparing for the unexpected is critical.

One of the best ways to set yourself up for a successful exit, no matter when it happens, is to operate as though you plan to sell from day one. This involves maintaining accurate financial records, keeping an up-to-date valuation of your assets, and documenting essential processes to ensure the business can run smoothly without you.

Prospective buyers will be more interested in a turnkey operation where the owner’s role can be easily transitioned to someone else. By planning ahead, you also position yourself to make informed decisions about paying off debt, compensating yourself as the owner, and ensuring the business remains agile and adaptable to changing circumstances.


To Sum It Up:

There are just SO many dang tasks we as owners are juggling every single day between our business and ALL the other roles we play in our lives. Without a task management system in place, it's easy to become overwhelmed and lose track of crucial details.

This is where a task (free!) tool like Asana can make a significant difference. By organizing both business and personal tasks within a single platform, indoor playground owners can achieve greater clarity, reduce stress, and maintain a balanced life.

Asana allows you to break down your goals into manageable tasks, assign deadlines, and track progress in real-time. Whether you’re coordinating a team or managing solo projects, Asana keeps everything in one place, making it easy to prioritize and delegate tasks.

For example, you can create separate projects for different areas of your business, like event planning, marketing, or daily operations, and within those projects, list all related tasks with clear deadlines and responsibilities. This structure not only ensures that nothing falls through the cracks but also helps you visualize your workload, making it easier to plan your day or week.

Asana can also be integrated with personal tasks, allowing you to strike a better work-life balance.

For indoor playground owners who often juggle multiple responsibilities, being able to see both business and personal tasks in one place can lead to more efficient time management. You can set reminders for personal commitments, like family activities or personal development goals, right alongside your business tasks, ensuring that neither aspect of your life is neglected. This holistic approach to task management fosters better organization and ultimately leads to a more fulfilling and productive lifestyle.


To Sum It Up:

In the indoor playground industry where agility is one of the MAIN keys to success- you NEED to learn how to be as efficient as possible to survive, and to survive with your sanity intact. AI and tools like ChatGPT can be invaluable assets in helping owners streamline operations, improve customer engagement, and save time. By automating routine tasks and providing instant access to information, AI can really enable you to focus more on strategic growth and customer experience.

One of the primary ways AI and ChatGPT can increase productivity is through customer interaction. For example, ChatGPT can be integrated into your website or social media platforms to handle inquiries, book reservations, or provide information about services. This means that even when you or your staff are busy, your customers can receive immediate responses to their questions, leading to higher satisfaction and potentially more bookings. Additionally, AI can help draft personalized emails, social media posts, or marketing campaigns, allowing you to maintain consistent communication without the time-consuming effort.

Beyond customer service, ChatGPT can assist in internal operations. It can help with scheduling, inventory management, or even brainstorming ideas for new programs and events. For instance, if you're planning a new event but are stuck on themes or activities, you can use ChatGPT to generate creative ideas or even draft event outlines. AI can also analyze data, like customer feedback or sales trends, to provide actionable insights, helping you make informed decisions faster. By leveraging these capabilities, indoor playground owners can not only save time but also enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of their business.

I even used chatGPT to help me with this podcast. I literally pasted my 8-10 page full podcast scripts into the tool and said– summarize this into 2 paragraphs please. So if you enjoyed these episodes, you can thank ChatGPT, because I would have NEVER had the time or patience to accurately summarize 30 hour-long episodes otherwise.

I have a free ChatGPT and AI training linked with screen recordings and step-by-step guidance so even if you feel like this tech is a little intimidating- I promise this will help you break through that barrier and really start using these tools to their full potential.




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